, owned by News Corp, has announced the release of ‘Money Talks’– a first of its kind web-series on personal finance. The webisodes aim at making consumers confident about managing their finances and bring the fun back to finance by simplifying it.

The company has partnered with financial services educator, Hansi Mehrotra – a CFA, ranked among the top ten ‘Voice for Money and Finance for 2015’ on LinkedIn, with over 77,000 followers on the professional networking site.

The web-series ‘Money Talks with Hansi’ will be in the form of a talk show hosted by Hansi Mehrotra, addressing topics on personal finance, investments and other allied subjects.

Hansi will interview a fictional character, Mr Sikka, a manifestation of peoples’ lack of awareness on matters related to personal finance. The series will have 12 episodes spanning five minutes each and will be released on a weekly basis on

The first webisode of Money Talks with Hansi – Are Women From a Different Money Planet – addresses the much debated topic ‘Women as Financial Planners’. It further debunks the myth of women not being good at managing their finances. Within 24 hours of its release, the video has garnered over 30,000 views on YouTube and Facebook.

Manish Shah, CoFounder and CEO, said, “We at BigDecisions firmly believe in the power of engaging video content in influencing the minds of consumers in order to make them take effective decisions with respect to matters of personal finance. The ‘Money Talks with Hansi’ webisodes will break the clutter in the area of financial planning, substantiate financial advice with our proprietary and secondary data, and de-jargon technical terms which make personal finance fun and relatable.”

According to CISCO’s Visual Networking Index Report (VNI), online video traffic will contribute approximately 65 per cent of all IP traffic in India by 2018.

About 70 billion minutes of video content will be viewed across India each month.