Happay, a fintech company providing expense management solutions for corporates, has partnered with global ride-hailing giant Uber to enable business travellers to auto-expense their rides.

This partnership involves integration of ‘Uber for Business’ with Happay, enabling auto-population of Uber ride data into Happay.

“Under this partnership, employees using Happay expense management solution already can port their bills directly from the Uber App itself. They can link their Happay account with Uber App and port their trip and bill details directly from Uber App. This will provide a seamless experience to end user”, Anshul Rai, Co-founder and CEO, Happay told BusinessLine.

For corporates using Happay, this partnership will help them gain visibility and thereby realise cost savings on ground transportation. This will also increase employee productivity and satisfaction.

Rai said that the partnership would make business trips simple and stress free for employees.

“This partnership is not just local or regional, but global and not just for Indian customers. This is big recognition for Happay”, he said.

Currently, Happay serves nearly 4,500 corporates and is touching an annualised run rate of $ 700 million in expense management volumes. “ Our aim is to hit $ 1 billion mark by end June 2019”, Rai said.

How does it work?

Happay corporate customers will have to create an ‘Uber for Business’ account and invite their employees to the company’s Uber for Business Profile. Once the profile is enabled, employees simply select Happay as their expense management provider within the account settings. Uber then automatically sends ride information to their Happay account, without additional input. Happay then converts this data into an expense item, ready for submission.

Rai said that earlier employees would either download PDF or screenshot of the bill they pay through the Happay card.

“Then they will attach that to the Happay dashboard or mobile App. It’s a broken experience. In the new format, experience is seamless, once, the integration happens then the bill will get automatically attached after your ride is done. You as end user do not have to take any manual action. We are trying to make our customers’ life simple”, he said.