Rajkumar Dhoot, Managing Director and Co-owner of Videocon Industries, has become a third time Member of Parliament as Shiv Sena’s nominee to the Rajya Sabha.

This comes at a time when questions have been raised about the nexus between industrialists and politicians.

Can industrialists make an impact on governance by being part of Parliament or is it just a status symbol? Business Line met Dhoot to know how he has fared so far and what he plans to do in his new term.

What have you done so far as an MP?

I have been taking up developmental issues to encourage more investments in our country. I have started a school for girls in Gangapur near Aurangabad.

There are 2,000 students who are from poor families. I started this in 1995. That time there was no girls’ school and villagers were scared to send their daughters. Now, I am planning to start a women’s college in the same place. I have also started a charitable hospital.

Even if someone comes for an open heart surgery and he does not have money, I will still treat him. We have 325 beds of which only 75-100 beds are paid. I want to start one more hospital in Baruch.

Shouldn’t other industrialists start giving back to society?

If each industrialist opens one hospital, then it will take care of our healthcare requirements.

But it has to be done with devotion. For example, I visit my hospital every Saturday no matter what.

How do you react when people comment about the nexus between politics and industrialists?

Most industrialists are not doing anything wrong.

There are a few industrialists in Parliament. If I only had selfish motive, then I wouldn’t have got nominated for the Rajya Sabha seat thrice.

Every industrialist wants to grow business, but that is nothing wrong. If industries grow, the country grows. Yes, industrialists must also think about giving back to society.

Have you been able to make a difference?

I have met the PM and the Finance Minister to give my opinion on what we should be doing. For example, in FDI, I went out of the way to support the PM because foreign investment is required.

How do you see the current economy?

There is policy paralysis, but the industry is suffering more due to the high interest rates. I am not in agreement with the RBI governor in this regard. I have been urging the RBI and the Government to cut the interest rate and that will spur the economy.

What do you expect from the new Government?

Whichever Government takes over, they have to think about industry and how to attract more investment into India. There has to be a favourable policy on land acquisition.

The Government has land but no one wants to take a decision. All this talk of scam and court interference is delaying decision. But the Government should take bold decisions.

What’s on your agenda for your third term as a Rajya Sabha Member?

More industries should come to Maharashtra and there should be more investments as Maharashtra has all the necessary infrastructure and business ecosystem apart from being conducive for fast growth. Now, we need to start a fast goods train in Marathwada region which can carry non-perishable export-worthy goods to port regions. Maharashtra needs another Indian Institute of Technology, and our party will strive to bring the prestigious institute to Aurangabad in the Marathwada region after the coming elections.