Amid speculation of large scale layoff at Infosys affecting nearly 5,000 employees, country’s second largest software services company today said it actively asks the “under-performers to seek other jobs”.

Without giving the exact number of the affected employees, Infosys said in a statement that this will be lower than 5,000.

The company did not disclose the number despite repeated attempts.

“This (the report) is wrong in two different aspects.

“One, there is no layoff. Infosys is a performance-driven company. And like any performance-driven company, it actively manages under-performance and encourages chronic under-performers to seek other jobs,” it said in a statement.

While stating that the affected number might be lower than 5,000 quoted in the report, the company said such steps are part of normal business routine.

“Two, the number that may be affected is significantly lower than the 5,000 quoted in the article. For a performance-driven company with more than 1,50,000 employees this is part of the normal ebb and flow of running a business,” it said.

Infosys said such steps are taken regularly and is not a “one-time event”.

“This is done regularly and is not a one-time event. We have a robust performance management system that includes structured appraisals and performance feedback,” the statement said.

The BSE-listed company is scheduled to announce its third quarter results on January 11.