Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) on Thursday announced that it will launch a 4E (End to End Energy Efficiency) intervention to help micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) adopt energy efficiency measures.

SIDBI will provide implementation support by way of assistance in identification of vendors for EE equipment/technologies and during installation and commissioning. India SME Technology Services Ltd (ISTSL), an associate institution of SIDBI, will spearhead the intervention.

The financial institution has proposed to launch the intervention on a pilot scale in five branches covering Delhi NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana. The above intervention is expected to benefit about 3,000 MSMEs in the next three years.

According to SIDBI, many Indian MSMEs are energy-intensive, employing inefficient and outmoded technologies and operational modalities that inhibit their competitiveness and future growth.

According to certain estimates, the industrial sector offers a good opportunity to save 49 billion kWh of energy per year. It is estimated that about 48 per cent of the total energy consumed in the industrial sector is from MSMEs and by adopting energy efficiency measures, at least 25 per cent of it could be potentially saved.

MSMEs, especially those for whom energy cost represents a large portion of total production costs, can reap benefits from improving efficiency of energy conversion and reduction of energy losses.