Total sowing in the ongoing kharif season so far has surpassed both last year’s acreage and the normal area — the average of total sown area in the previous five years. Sowing of rice, pulses, coarse cereals and oilseeds have exceeded last year’s acreage by significant margins, while sugar, cotton and jute are lower, according to figures supplied by States and compiled by the Centre.

“The total sown area as on September 23 stands at 1,067.53 lakh hectares compared to 1,030.89 lakh hectares at this time last year and total normal area of 1,062.50 lakh hectares,” an official release stated.

Rice sowing has been done on 387.04 lh compared to 377.35 lh in the same period last year. Pulses acreage has expanded to 145.84 lh (112.93 lh). Sowing of coarse cereals, too, gained to 189.58 lh (183.59 lh), while oilseeds acreage increased to 189.16 lh (183.71 lh).

Cotton acreage has gone down to 102.55 lh so far this year against last year’s 115.98 lh. Sugarcane acreage is lower at 45.77 lh (49.60 lh).