The National Biodiversity Authority and Norway Government’s Division of Nature Management will set up a Centre for Biodiversity Policy and Law.

Addressing media persons after signing the agreement that provides for the Norwegian Government’s support to setting up the Centre here in Chennai, the Biodiversity Authority’s Chairman P. Balakrishna, said the Centre is a pioneering initiative in addressing biodiversity related policies and issues.

The Biodiversity Authority set up under a Central law, the Biological Diversity Act 2002, for conservation and management of the diverse forms of life and to act as a regulator to prevent over exploitation, will work with its Norwegian counterpart, the Division of Nature Management, to shape policies and laws to manage global biodiversity.

Biodiversity is key to life and livelihood, whether for healthcare, agriculture, food or any other industry the diverse life forms are a valuable resource.

A fungus was the source of the first antibiotic to be discovered, penicillin; high yielding, disease resistant crop varieties, wood for making paper, medicines from plants… all of these benefit humans thanks to the diverse life forms in nature.

India is in the process of revising its National Biodiversity Action Plan to make it more responsive to present day needs. The action plan is expected to be ready by the middle of next year.

The Centre will work towards bringing biodiversity issues to the mainstream of debate and informed decision making, Balakrishna said.