GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd is in the process of finalising plans to take up expansion of the Hyderabad airport once the regulatory approvals are received.

SGK Kishore, Chief Executive Officer, GMR Hyderabad International Airport: said, “They were planning to expand its Hyderabad airport passenger terminal capacity to over 20 million passengers over the next two-three years, up from 12 million capacity,” said speaking on the sidelines of a CII conference to couple of reporters,

The airport is averaging about one million passengers a month. Last fiscal, it has closed with 10.5 million passengers.

Once the regulatory clearances are in place, the expansion is expected to come up adjacent the exiting passenger terminal.

It expects to inch close to 12 million passengers this financial year.

When contacted, the company further informed BusinessLine , “Consistent with the state of economic growth both at National and State level, air traffic is witnessing a positive growth and Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) also has been experiencing the same. This financial year we are expecting to touch 12 million traffic. We are expecting the traffic to be closer to 20 million in the next five year period.”

“This makes it imperative to start planning for expansion of the terminal from its current capacity of 12 million to keep pace with the likely growth.

The expansion is currently at the preliminary stage of planning and the proposal will be taken up after all approvals, including the regulatory approvals are in place.

“The amount of capex for the proposed expansion project will be arrived post completion of detailed designs,” he said.

The greenfield airport is spread over a 5,495-acre site under the public, private partnership model.

Meanwhile, the GMR group, which had invited expression of interest for sale of a hospitality project close to the airport terminal, expects to close the deal within few weeks.