Is it a case of people opting for other cuisines instead of the “janta meals” because they have more purchasing power, or is it simply a case of passengers not getting these low-cost meals because there is rationing?

If one goes by the Comptroller and Auditor General’s (CAG) report based on a passenger survey, janta meals are most often not available. In six zones, the sale of “other cuisines” has steadily increased on a yearly basis, after almost doubling in 2014-15.

Fewer takers?

Meanwhile, the sale of janta meals dropped in 2015-16 against the previous year, although it did increase at a relatively lower rate in 2014-15.

Janta meals or Jan Aahar — comprising seven puris of 175 grams, dry potato curry and pickles packed in good quality boxes — were supposed to be made available at railway stations for ₹15 and in trains for ₹20.

These meals were introduced with the aim of providing good quality food at a low cost. However, the CAG found that the share of janta meals to overall meals had declined in six railway zones over the past three years. They were not adequately available at stations either.

“Out of 74 stations where joint inspections were conducted, Jan Aahar units were not provided on 46 stations,” the report said. The survey examined meals sold in stations across six Railway zones — Central, East Coast, North Central, Southern, South Central and West Central.

Other factors

In its response, the Railway Board said many factors other than availability — including increased purchasing power of passengers — could have reduce janta meals sales.

The rate fixed for “standard meal” is also reasonable, and a wide choice of foods is provided to passengers, it further pointed out. Noting that under 2017 catering policy, the management of Jan Aahar has been transferred to PSU Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), the CAG said Railways needs to ensure that it provides an adequate number of such meals to passengers.

Incidentally, the latest Budget identified IRCTC as one of the PSUs listed for disinvestment.