Niti Aayog has formed six groups of CEOs to suggest implementable ideas and changes. These groups will divide some 200 CEOs who will make presentations to the Union Cabinet and the Prime Minister.

These groups will also be attached to individual ministries to suggest inputs.

An official aware of the sessions said, “Today there is a three-hour session at the end of which the Finance Minister will meet the CEOs at 8 pm…CEOs will also have informal interactions with the PM today.”

The CEOs will focus on job creation, income enhancement, tech disruption, ease of doing business and governance. They have been divided into groups themed – New India by 2022, Make in India, Cities of Tomorrow, World Class Infrastructure, Doubling Farmers Income, and Fixing Finance.

As the government’s principal policy ideating think tank, the Niti Aayog will identify the action points from the inputs given by industrialists.

Under the group themed New India by 2022, the CEOs will brainstorm on economy, social capital and gender parity. The group themed Make in India will focus on topics such as Industry 4.0, MSMEs and value chains, exports, logistics, FDI and FII.

Cities of Tomorrow group will brainstorm on smart urbanisation, sustainable planning, city governance, growth clusters and public transportation. World Class Infrastructure will focus on rail, roads and airports, energy and transportation, PPPs, contracts, legal system and policy framework.

Doubling Farmers Income group is focused on productivity, irrigation, diversification, crop intensity, value chains and investment. Fixing Finance group is tasked with resolving deadlocks of bank liquidity, financial inclusion, capital markets, rising NPAs, insurance and GST adoption.