Bank unions on Friday urged the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to intervene in the wage revision matter and ensure that the current stalemate in the negotiations towards the 10th bipartite settlement is quickly sorted out.

The wage negotiations between bank unions and the Indian Banks Association (IBA) are in a deadlock with the latter’s offer of 11 per cent wage hike not acceptable to employees.

“Finance Minister gave a patient hearing to representatives of bank unions. He has assured to get the details from Banking Secretary and look into it”, C.H. Venkatachalam, General Secretary, All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) told Business Line after a nearly thirty minutes meeting with the minister.

The bank unions’ interaction with Jaitley was arranged by CPI leader D Raja, who is also a Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament.

Raja was also present at today’s meeting.

Bank employees are looking at a wage revision from November 2012.

In the last round of wage revision settlement signed in 2010 for the period 2007-12, the IBA had agreed for 17.5 percent hike in total salary.