The Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) will work with the Consumer Affairs Ministry and States on complaints filed by consumers against e-commerce companies selling inferior or fake products.

“There are local level administrative issues where DIPP can’t participate and it is the States which have to address such as whether the companies are registered or fake with addresses and phone numbers that do not exist,” Commerce & Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said addressing a press conference on Thursday.

In case of companies that are registered, the DIPP and Consumer Affairs Ministry will work together to see who these companies actually are, she added. “I got the list only yesterday. I will work with Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan to see where they generated the list from,” she added.

The list handed over by Paswan to Sitharaman has the names of about 200 companies of which around 46 have not responded to mails sent to them by the Consumer Affairs Ministry with regard to redressal of customer grievances.

Giving details of her interaction with US Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker earlier this week, Sitharaman said that she had suggested that instead of one or two investors representing the interest of the defence sector, the US should send a consortium of investors interested in defence related investments.

India also proposed that entrepreneurs in the medical devices business in the US that are interested in investing in India should bring a separate delegation to the country as there was a lot of interest from the Indian side.

The Minister said that Pritzker spent time with Indian representatives from the IT industry who had raised concerns about Indians facing greater rejections in their visa applications to the US and the higher visa fee hurting mainly industry from India.

“Pritzker talked to the Indian companies to understand the flaw in implementation of US policies that was giving them the impression of being discriminated against,” Sitharaman said.