Idea Cellular has about 19 per cent of its total telecom towers run by hybrid power, a move that reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 52,000 tonnes in 2016. The operator’s reconfigured sites have also further reduced CO2 emissions by 62,000 tonnes, the company said in its sustainability report, ‘Calling Tomorrow 2016’. Idea has a network of 241,540 sites across over four lakh towns and villages.“Sustainability at Idea Cellular is the holistic pursuit of a vision to be the most admired telecom company that creates long-term value for all stakeholders by balancing economic growth with environmental and social development,” said Himanshu Kapania, Managing Director at Idea Cellular.

About 90 per cent of servers are virtualised across data centres, and this has resulted usage of one-third power consumption. Idea Money has expanded operations to two million customers, it added.

Idea’s sustainability roadmap and execution covers 13 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, the key framework for responsible businesses across the world. Our Bureau