Facebook has said that there was no connection between updating profile picture for Digital India and internet. Org

"There is absolutely no connection between updating your profile picture for digital India and internet.org. An engineer mistakenly used the words "internet. org" profile picture" as a shorthand name he chose for part of the code. But this product is no way connects to or registers support for Internet.org. We are changing the code today to eliminate any confusion," said a Facebook spokesperson.

Facebook has launched a feature that allows users to show their support for Digital India by uploading a picture super imposed over the Indian tricolour. This was done in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the Townhall at Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park. 

But according to tech news portal NextBigWhat, the source code indicated that any user uploading the new Digital India profile picture indirectly also ended up being counted as a supporter of the controversial internet.org initiative. Facebook has now clarified that there is no link between the two.