Have you reached out for pills to get relief from a common cold, cough, body pain, or maybe a headache recently without consulting your doctor? Well, such instances are common and people invariably don’t keep a tab of the date, not until the recurrence is more frequent and the pain unbearable.

If only you had maintained a record of the self-medication… it would have helped the physician address your ailment more quickly.

To deal with such issues and more, Bengaluru-based IT healthcare start-up mTatva has launched HealthPIE Mobile Nurse.

This mobile app is being rolled out a year after the company launched of its flagship B2B product – Health PIE (Patient Information and Empowerment System).

Baljit Singh, founder-promoter of mTatva told BusinessLine that the company decided to develop an app from the patients’ side this time. “Our ultimate aim is to have the app under one umbrella”, he added.

HealthPIE Mobile Nurse has been tested on the Android platform but not on the iOS, the mTatva founder said.

Explaining the features of the Mobile Nurse app, he said “the user can maintain a record of the medication that he/ she has taken (either self-medication or under medical advice), set reminders, access health information, look up vital charts, apart from getting useful statistics/ tips and insights into healthcare.”

The team has also incorporated a feature that includes taking a picture of the medicine/ syrup with the prescription, so the picture pops up at the specified time and dosage.

“Medication errors can cause anxiety; with a view to avoid it, we have incorporated this feature,” he said and pointed out that uploading a child’s growth chart (such as height and weight), recording its intake of food, sleep, is also possible in the vital charts feature.

Though the app support is available only in English at present, mTatva plans to make it available in Hindi as well soon.