Establishment of a bank branch at Chayangtajo, an ADC headquarters in East Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh, still remains a distant dream for the 15,000-odd people who have to travel at least 80 km for banking.

More than two decades have passed since a bank branch was set up at Seijosa on June 26, 1986, but Chayangtajo was deprived.

“Our people are suffering a lot due to absence of bank. They have to travel 80 km to Seppa, the district administration even for small transactions.

The area with four circles and 12 subdivisions has many important establishments, including an independent PWD division, Vivekanada Kendra Vidyalaya and Don Bosco school,” Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Ashok Tojo said.

The State-level Banking Committee (SLBC) during a meeting on June 21, 2011, decided to establish banks in all unbanked blocks in the State.

The RBI, through its subvention scheme, had proposed to open a bank at Chayangtajo and sought information on availability of infrastructure and other facilities from the Deputy Commissioner of East Kameng, but surprisingly the proposal was withdrawn later.

Health and Family Welfare Parliamentary Secretary Karya Bagang, who represents Chayangtajo constituency, has in several representations to both Central and State Government authorities pleaded for early establishment of an SBI branchBut her efforts haven’t paid off yet.

“Chayangtajo is a fast developing hub with many developmental programmes and government departments coming up. It is not possible for MNREGA job card holders in two blocks, Pipu and Chayangtajo, to come down to Seppa, the district headquarters, to meet their banking needs,” Karya said in her letter to Sanjay Kumar Magoo, Chief General Manager (North-East circle), SBI.

Tara Bagang, a senior citizen of the area, said that with many upcoming power projects in the area, establishment of a bank branch at Chayangtajo is a prerequisite, while former All Arunachal Pradesh Students Union (AAPSU) President Kanu Bagang said that without a bank, the people of the area, especially the labourers, are facing a tough time.

The SBI official, in a letter to Tuki, has assured that the bank will open a branch in that area in the second half of the current financial year.