Karnataka Bank Ltd is targeting a business turnover of ₹1.10 lakh crore for 2017-18. This includes deposits of ₹64,500 crore and advances of ₹45,500 crore.

Rolling out the business agenda for 2017-18 at the head office of the bank in Mangaluru on Saturday, P Jayarama Bhat, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the bank, said that 2016-17 was a year of satisfactory growth considering the prevailing economic conditions in the global and domestic economies and the impact of demonetization on the banking industry in the country.

“The growth outlook for 2017-18 is positive and we should be able to encash all the growth opportunities to take the business turnover to a new high of ₹1.10 lakh crore,” he said.

The bank intends to open 35 new branches, including nine financial inclusion branches, to take the tally of branches to 800 by March 2018. As on March 31, the bank had 765 branches across India.

He said that the bank proposes to take the tally of ATMs to 1450 from the present level of 1380 ATMs.

E-lobbies and mini e-lobbies are planned to be increased to 150 from the present level of 110, he added.