Amid concerns over power sector woes, the first meeting of a central panel to oversee the massive debt rejig scheme for ailing electricity distribution companies is likely to be held this week.

The panel, part of the debt restructuring programme for state-owned discoms, is headed by Planning Commission Member B K Chaturvedi. The first meeting of the committee is scheduled for January 9, a source said.

Representatives from Power and Finance Ministries as well as from some distribution companies, among others, are part of the committee, the source added.

The accumulated losses of discoms are estimated to be whopping Rs 2.46 lakh crore as on March 2012 and the same was pegged at around Rs 1.9 lakh crore till March 2011.

Significant tariff hikes and conversion of 50 per cent of their short-term debt into bonds backed by respective states, are among the measures mooted in debt restructuring scheme.

For monitoring the progress of the turnaround plan, the government late last year had decided to set up “two committees at the state and central levels respectively, are proposed to be formed”.

The Power Ministry, on October 5, had notified the financial restructuring scheme for state-owned discoms.

“The restructuring/re-scheduling of loan is to be accompanied by concrete and measurable action by the discoms/states to improve the operational performance of the distribution utilities,” the ministry had said.

Meanwhile, one of the key proposals in the scheme is to “ensure regular rationalisation of tariff to cover cost of service“. Low tariff is a major factor hurting the financials of discoms.

In the last 15 months, at least 18 states have announced significant tariff increases during the period, with Tamil Nadu proposing as much as 37 per cent hike.

Experts believe that tariff hikes are needed to improve the financial health of discoms but steep increases could be challenging.

The precarious financial health of discoms has also raised concerns of loan defaults in the financial system.