India Met Department (IMD) has issued a notification for watch of a monsoon depression forming in the Bay of Bengal as a remnant of erstwhile Pacific super typhoon earns its spurs over the next few days.

A preparatory cyclonic circulation sent in from the West Pacific lies over the Central Bay and neighbourhood in anticipation. It is expected to concentrate into a low-pressure area by tomorrow.

System intensification

This 'low' is likely to further into a depression and move in a typical west-northwest track towards the North Andhra Pradesh and South Odisha coasts towards the end of the week.

As a result, adverse sea conditions may develop over the South and Central Bay and the Andaman Sea from today until Wednesday; along and off Andhra Pradesh coast from tomorrow to Thursday; and along the Odisha-West Bengal coasts from Wednesday to Friday.

Fishermen are advised not to venture into the above mentioned areas on these days. Meanwhile, IMD expected the depression, after crossing coast, to continue to move in west-northwest.

Given this, it would bring Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh under its footprint and drive enhanced rain in Central and adjoining Peninsular India and the northern plains from Friday. These rains would last until next Tuesday (September 25), throwing to the winds the schedule of the withdrawal of the South-West monsoon from North-West India.

This would likely lead to a situation where the monsoon might spill over into early October over North India, East India and adjoining Central India as was the case during earlier years also.

Heavy rain

Meanwhile, heavy to very heavy rainfall has been reported from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and rain-deficit Rayalaseema through the day yesterday. It was heavy over parts of Odisha, Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, as the build-up towards the 'low' continued with prospects of intensification.

Forecast for today and tomorrow is as follows:

Today : Heavy to very heavy rain over theAndaman & Nicobar Islands; heavy rain over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema, and Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Telangana. Rough to very rough sea conditions in the South and Central Bay and the Andaman Sea.

Tomorrow : Heavy to very heavy rain over the Andaman & Nicobar Islands and heavy over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Coastal Andhra Pradesh. Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning at isolated places over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema, Tamilnadu, Puducherry and Telangana.

'Rough' to 'very rough' sea conditions over the South and Central Bay, the Andaman Sea and along and off the Andhra Pradesh coast.