Pollution levels in Delhi may be causing grave concern, but still not enough to deter buyers. In 2015-16, the number of new vehicles registered in Delhi shot up to 8.77 lakh, from 5.34 lakh in 2014-15, according to the Delhi Statistical Hand Book -2016.

“Out of total registered vehicles, the number of cars/jeeps is 29.87 lakh and motorcycles/scooters is 61.04 lakh,” said the hand book, prepared by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of NCT of Delhi and released by Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Thursday.

It may be recalled that in January 2016, pollution levels in Delhi had reached alarming levels, leading to the Aam Aadmi Party government going for the ‘odd-even scheme’ to reduce traffic congestion.

As regards public transport, Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) buses were availed by around 35.37 lakh daily average passengers during 2015-16. The fleet of DTC buses is 4,352, of which 1,276 are air-conditioned.

Per capita income

Delhi’s per capita income stood at Rs 28,0142 during 2015-16, up by Rs 28,131 compared with 2014-15. Per capita income at the national level is found to be Rs 93,293 during 2015-16, the hand book said.

Mobile phones

The number of mobile phones marginally grew in Delhi, as on December 2015, were 4.79 crore, compared with 4.54 crore in December 2014. Landline phones, too, saw an increase from 31.23 lakh in December 2014 to 31.57 lakh in December 2015.

Electricity consumers

The total number of electricity consumers increased from 50.44 lakh in 2014-15 to 52.63 lakh in 2015-16, but electricity consumption decreased from 24,477 million units in 2014-15 to 24,037 million units in 2015-16. Out of total electricity consumers, 42.89 lakh were domestic, 8.71 lakhcommercial and 52,308 industrial.

Water connections

The number of metered connection rose from 18.63 lakh in 2014-15 to 19.49 lakh in 2015-16 and consumption of water also increased from 14,085 lakh kilo litres in 2014-15 to 14,914 lakh kilo litres in 2015-16. However, the number of unmetered connections also rose to 38,9694 from 26,5925 in 2014-15. The per capita consumption of water in Delhi is 48 gallons per day.

Some Capital Numbers

- Outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks in Delhi stood at Rs 97,0511 crore in 2015, with the largest chunk owed by industry and manufacturing sectors.

- Number of fair price shops down to 2,281 in 2015-16, from 2,310 in 2014-15 and 2,396 in 2013-14

- Applicants on employment exchanges rose to 10,83,896 in 2015 from 10,17,569 in 2014.

- N umber of teachers in technical education institutions, like ITIs and polytechnics, down to 1,673 in 2015-16 from 1,915 in 2014-15, even as the number of students has risen to 32,250 from 27,622 in 2014-15