Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday inaugurated the first of the four phases of the ambitious irrigation scheme, Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation Yojana (SAUNI) at Aji-3 dam near Rajkot.

The inaugurated part of the phase-1 of the project has been developed at a cost of ₹1,562 crore with 58 kms of pipeline. It is aimed at benefiting 10 dams with 6,475 MCFT of water from Narmada canal network. Total land area of 47,943 hectares in three districts — Jamnagar, Rajkot and Morbi will get irrigation benefit. Dubbed as the ‘drought-prone’ area of the State, the Saurashtra region will get dedicated water through four link pipelines.

The State government will use the additional 43,500 million cubic feet of the flood water of Narmada river to supplement 115 existing dams in the region through the Narmada canal network. The region has total 138 dams, of which most run dry soon after the monsoon thereby causing severe water shortage during the Summer.

The foundation stone-laying of the scheme was done by Modi in 2012 during his tenure as state Chief Minister. Estimated to cost ₹12,166 crore, the entire scheme is likely to benefit 10,22,589 acres of land in Saurashtra.

The region primarily grows groundnut, cotton, wheat and cumin seed. Frequent droughts and water shortage situations had gripped the farmers of the region causing crop loss leading to repeated financial losses.

It was due to this crucial nature of the scheme, Modi chose this event to make his first public rally in the State after assuming office at the South Block. After the inauguration, Modi addressed a huge crowd of farmers and residents of the nearby districts.