Bollywood icon and multi-brand ambassador Shah Rukh Khan was honoured on Thursday for his 25-year-long association with the advertising industry, at the silver jubilee summit of the Indian chapter of the International Advertising Association.

Fresh from the shoot for his new Hindi film in Iceland, Khan enthralled a packed audience with his wit, personal charm and a speech that recalled his long association with the ad world and his life in Bollywood. He noted that while the media used him as a product, he had in turn used it as his tool.

Khan freely interacted with the attendees at the summit, answered many of their questions and danced onstage with a member of the audience. He also made an appeal for gender equality and respect for women. He recalled that women were an important force behind his successes.

At the opening ceremony of the three-day IAA event, Srinivasan K Swamy, President of the India chapter; Faris Abouhamad, Global President; Pradeep Guha, Area Director, IAA Asia-Pacific; and Monica Tata, Honorary Secretary, India chapter spoke. Amitabh Kant, Union Government’s Secretary for Industrial Policy and Promotion, gave the keynote speech.