Wellington Jute Mill at Rishra in Hooghly district of the State on Saturday stopped operation. According jute mill sources, the management of the jute mill clamped notice for suspension of work this morning.

The mill, which employs around 4,000 workers including casual ones, is the 12th such composite jute goods manufacturing unit that have gone out of operation now in the State bound for assembly election shortly.

Jute industry insiders said around 70,000 jute mill workers are now out of job. These non-operational mills are located in the city or in the nearby districts of Hooghly, Howrah, North and South 24 Parganas. There are a total of 59 composite mills capable of producing jute yarn and bags. Current, high level of raw jute price (Rs 5,900 per quintal) is said to be one of the main reason for the stoppage operation.

“This price level is unviable for a jute mill’s operation and the apprehension is that many more such work stoppages are in the offing,” said a jute mill official.