“One needs to be little thick skinned when one wants to be on it [Twitter and other social media platforms],” says Shah Rukh Khan. He said this at an interaction at IIMB's Leadership Summit - IIMBue, organised by the IIMB Alumni Association.

He took questions from celebrities at the event.

Congress MP Shashi Tharoor : Your experience with twitter and social media. Which at one point you quit and came back to it. Now you are India’s No 1 well ahead of Prime Minister but just behind Amitabh Bachchan ... How do you feel about it? Have you overcome your hesitation?

SRK : Any thing on social media interaction with people is like a kind of an affair. Very exciting in the beginning, during this phase lot of feedbacks come in, compliments flow -- both positive and negative come in.

Then after some time starts the hate phase. I hate your story. You get angry and quit. Then after some time you miss her and again you fall in love with her.

Here then comes the ‘I need to get used to her phase’. You come back to live through it after rounding out all the rough edges of the partner (interaction with people).

If one wants to be in twitter and social media, one needs to be little thick-skinned. Otherwise you should not be on it and then complain.

Because you say something and somebody else says something more. This can escalate to a bigger issue so then there is a limit. This cannot be defined. End of the day, it’s a good place to be.