Cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar has just begun a new innings.

He’s batting for healthcare company Novo Nordisk’s diabetes awareness campaign, asking people to eat smartly.

He has a word of caution for kids too: “Play enough with your thumbs. But make sure to spend enough time on outdoor games. I’m not saying not to play those (mobile) games,” he said here on Monday.

Announcing his association with the company’s ‘Changing Diabetes’ campaign, Tendulkar spoke briefly but sent the message across powerfully.

“You must know what to eat and what to stay away from,” he said. “I’m not asking you to live on salads. You can eat different foods but spare time for the gym. You must hit the gym every day. Or, go on long walks regularly.”

“Let’s go out and win this match (against diabetes) together,” he summed up before hurrying out of the venue, without giving a chance to reporters to pose questions.

Those with diabetes needn’t lose heart, he said. Citing the examples of cricketing pals, he said many of them managed their diabetic condition very well.

Melvin D’Souza, Vice-President and General Manager of Novo Nordisk India, said the incidence of diabetes is growing very fast in India. “There will be 123.5 million diabetics in 2040, against the present 69.2,” he said. The company offers a range of diabetes drugs.