True to forecasts, summer showers have normal to excess over the South Peninsula and East-Central India during March 1 to April 18 (yesterday), according to latest statistics.

Six Met sub-divisions in the South Peninsula - Rayalaseema, North Interior Karnataka, South Interior Karnataka, Coastal Karnataka, Konkan & Goa and Lakshadweep - recorded 'large excesses' in rainfall.

'Large excesses'

These ranged from +330 per cent in Lakshadweep; +219 per cent in Konkan & Goa; +179 per cent in Coastal Karnataka; +117 per cent in North Interior Karnataka; and +105 per cent in Rayalaseema; and +82 per cent in South Interior Karnataka, India Met Department (IMD) said.

Andaman & Nicobar Islands (+47 per cent); Telangana and Coastal Andhra Pradesh (+43 per cent each); Kerala (+36 per cent); Gangetic West Bengal (+29 per cent); Jharkhand (+23 per cent); and Odisha (+21 per cent) recorded 'excess' rainfall.

Tamil Nadu & Puducherry (+15 per cent); Marathawada (+5 per cent); Chhattisgarh and the hills of Bengal (+3 per cent each) recorded normal rainfall during the period.

But also falling under the 'normal' category were West Uttar Pradesh (-1 per cent); and East Rajasthan and Uttarakhand (-16 per cent each), as per the IMD classification.

Severe weather

Rest of Central, North, North-West and West India fall under either the 'deficient' (12 nos) or 'scanty' (4 nos) rain categories. The overall deficit for the country as a whole is -21 per cent as on date.

This morning, forecasts favoured a fresh bout of enhanced rainfall and thunder squalls for the hills and thunderstorms and gusty winds for the plains in North-West India.

Enhanced rainfall with thunder squalls are also likely for North-Eastern States from today. Escalating the weather in both the regions is the arrival of a fresh western disturbance across the Rajasthan border.

Isolated thunderstorms with gusty winds with occasional squalls and lightning are forecast for the South Peninsula with increased severity over Kerala, South Interior Karnataka and North Interior Tamil Nadu.

Meanwhile, heat wave conditions would entrench themselves over Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Vidarbha, although isolated thunderstorms could keep a lid on the heat at one or two places.