Chinese President Xi Jinping today asked BRICS members to shelve their differences and accommodate each other’s concerns by enhancing mutual trust and strategic communication, as he opened the 9th annual summit of the five-member emerging economies here.

BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – is a grouping of the five emerging economies. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Brazilian President Michel Temer, South African President Jacob Zuma and Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend the summit.

In his speech broadly focusing on enhancing cooperation between the BRICS members, Xi said, “construction of a tall building starts with foundation. We have laid the foundation and put in place the framework for BRICS cooperation”.

Outlining BRICS cooperation in the last 10 years, he said treating each other as equals and seeking common ground while shelving differences is an important part of cooperation.

“In terms of BRICS cooperation, decisions are made through consultation [and] not by one country. We respect each other’s model of development, accommodate each other’s concern and work to enhance strategic communication and mutual trust,” he told about 1,000 delegates from different countries.

“Given difference in national conditions, history and cultures, it is only natural we may have some differences in pursuing our cooperation,” Xi said.

“However, with strong faith in cooperation and enhancing collaboration, the BRICS countries can achieve steady progress in our cooperation,” he added.

The summit comes days after India and China last week ended a 73-day standoff in Dokalam by withdrawing troops from the area. The two sides were locked in a face-off after Indian troops stopped the Chinese People’s Liberation Army from building a road in the area.

In a candid speech without directly referring to differences, Xi referred to his multi-billion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in which the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a crucial component.

India had protested to CPEC as it passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. India also boycotted the Belt and Road Forum (BRF) hosted by China in May.

Xi said BRI is not a tool to advance any geopolitical agenda, but a platform for practical cooperation.

It is not a foreign aid scheme, but an initiative for interconnected development which calls for extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, he said.

“I am convinced that the BRI will serve as a new platform for all countries to achieve win-win cooperation, and that it will create new opportunities for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” he said.

Xi also said BRICS should promote the “BRICS Plus” approach to build an open and diversified network of development partners.

“We should get more emerging market and developing countries involved in our concerted endeavours for cooperation and mutual benefits,” he said.

Xi said as a cooperation platform with global influence, BRICS cooperation is more than about five countries.

“BRICS places high premium on cooperation with other emerging market and developing countries and have established effective dialogue mechanisms with them,” Xi said.

He said the development of the BRICS countries has delivered tangible benefits to more than three billion people.

Xi said that in the past decade, combined GDP of the bloc has grown 179 per cent – trade increased 94 per cent, while urban population expanded 28 per cent – contributing significantly to stabilising the global economy and returning it to growth.

He said the BRICS countries should work to usher in second golden decade. Going forward BRICS countries have major tasks to accomplish, which are to grow economies and to strengthen cooperation, he said.