According to the data of the Central Statistics Office, higher consumption leads to higher production of goods and services, keeping the economy fit and healthy. What the CSO has stated is economist Keynes’s theory of employment. If the ratio of consumption to income is high, then it means expenditure is high, stimulating investment, employment, income and output.

In India, the demand for almost all the goods is high, but the supply does not keep pace with the demand leading to inflationary spiral. If the government concentrates on the supply front (which Keynes assumed as perfectly elastic) and equalises with the aggregate demand, then the economy will witness higher growth in terms of employment, income, output, etc. Keynes is ever relevant.

S Ramakrishnasayee

Ranipet, Tamil Nadu

Vision beyond vision

It was inspiring to read about Raghavendra Peri, a 28-year-old visually-challenged Hyderabadi, who completed the 21-km half-marathon. Though he is blind he has vision. Society’s perception and mindset about differently-abled people needs to change. We must welcome them to join the mainstream. For this we must ensure there are ramps ramps and wheelchairs and braille facilities at public places and on public transport.

TS Karthik


Economic criterion matters

It has become fashionionable for communities to demand reservation in education and government jobs. Poverty exists everywhere, even in the so-called forward communities. Who will take up their case as they are not assets in electoral politics? The Supreme Court has clearly stated that reservation should not cross the 50 per cent limit but this is flagrantly violated. Reservation should be based on economic criteria irrespective of caste or community. The SC’s refusal to include Jats in the OBC category should be a signal to the likes of Hardik Patel.

HP Murali


Rating upgrade

It is does not speak well for India top level politicians and bureaucrats have to beg for better ratings from rating agencies every now and then. Such a situation arises because we have not developed in-house expertise to market the country’s strengths and explain the context of the nation’s weaknesses. NITI Aayog should take the responsibility of marketing Brand India in a convincing manner. We must set up an Indian rating agency thatunderstands and speaks the language of international agencies. The country’s domestic resources have not been mapped yet. This includes surface stock of over 20,000 tonnes of gold.

MG Warrier


Tourism promotion

On a visit to Madhya Pradesh, I found 16- and 17-year-olds working as guides; they were excellent. If we can train them, teach them English, give them mobile phones and help them set up small tourist centres near heritage sites, it will benefit tourists and guides. This will also boost sale of traditional craft, food and other popular items of the area and will automatically help create employment for women. Cleanliness is of utmost importance.

Locals should be involved. They can help revive history and folklore, tap local culture, art and craft, as well as provide food. If citizens share various places of tourist interest in their vicinity on social networking sites, they will indirectly promote tourism.

Veena Shenoy

Thane, Maharashtra

Contemptible act

The State government has done well to refer the Kalburgi murder case to the CBI. By all accounts the murder was well-planned; it is imperative the killers who are still at large are hunted down and handed exemplary punishment. Rightwing extremism seem to be running amok with Narendra Dabholkar, Govind Pansare and Prof now Kalburgi falling to assassins’ bullets. This should stop. It is also imperative that the authorities rein in groups like the Bajrang Dal and the Ram Sene who have resorted to threats and arm-twisting of the worst type.

NJ Ravi Chander


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