With the impact of the coronavirus pandemic being felt across the country, the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) on Sunday said bank branches will provide only essential services such as cash deposits and withdrawals, clearing of cheques, remittances and government transactions from March 23, 2020 onwards.

Banks, through IBA, have requested all their customers to bear with them as other non-essential services during this period may be suspended.

While banks will continue to provide banking services to their customers, IBA, which is the umbrella body of all banks in India, has appealed to members of the public to visit branch premises only in case of absolute necessity.

The Association emphasised that most of the services that banks are offering are available online.

This appeal comes in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak and state governments across the country asking only those providing essential services to travel to their work place, while the remaining stay at home/ work from home.

Banks too have curtailed the staff presence in branches/ offices to 50 per cent on any given working day to minimise exposure to the virus.

“The aim of IBA and its member banks is to ensure you are still provided with uninterrupted banking services. So, be rest assured that we are doing our best and extending all support you need, in the best possible way we can,” the Association said.

“Our employees are also facing the same challenges that you all are and so, we are asking for your help too,” IBA said in a statement.