Quiz: Trump top ten

Joy Bhattacharjya Updated - January 12, 2018 at 06:21 PM.

This quiz is about the people and institutions who did not measure up to Donald Trump's obviously exacting standards.


The President–elect of the United States of America just called a three time Oscar winner with nineteen Academy Awards nominations ‘overrated’ and ‘a loser.’ This quiz is about the other people and institutions who also did not measure up to his obviously exacting standards.

1. In 2015, after he protested about the use of one his songs, “Rockin’ In the Free World’ at a Trump rally, which musical legend did Trump call a hypocrite and suggest that the song wasn’t too great anyway?

2. Which media personality did he call a ‘liberal clown’ and ‘unattractive, both inside and out,’ and suggested that that was the reason her husband left her for a man?

3. About which of his Republican colleagues did he claim that the people of South Carolina were embarrassed by her?

4. About which country, a longtime US ally, did he say that “they should be paying the United States billions of dollars for our defense of them. Without us, gone”?

5. Which major American talk show host did he refuse saying that he had been invited to this ‘very boring and low rated show and he said ‘NO THANKS’ as it was a waste of time and energy?

6. Trump was apoplectic when Time Magazine did not pick him as their Person of the Year in 2015. Just fill in the blank in this tweet and tell us who defeated him.

“I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining _____ “

7. Another reference to a political rival. Just fill in the blanks with the name. Lots of hints in the tweet.

“_____ ____ has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse). I have created tens of thousands of jobs, it's what I do.”

8. After his series of comment about Mexican immigrants being rapists and peddling drugs in 2015, a leading retailer discontinued their Trump line of menswear. Trump reacted with a tweet where he claimed thousands were cutting up the credit card of this retailer, and boycotting them was helping to make America great again. Just name the organisation.

9. About which of his rivals did Trump say this to a Rolling Stone reporter during the run up to the elections. “ Can you imagine that, the face of our next President? I mean, she is a woman, and we’re not supposed to say bad things, but really folks, come on. Are we serious?”

10. About which American billion-dollar corporation did he say that they would collapse like a paper bag if they had to pay fair taxes, and their acquisition of a newspaper was saving them?


1. Neil Young, the song was a strong indictment of the George W Bush administration.

2. Arianna Huffington, one of his most scathing critics

3. Governor Nikki Haley, as she did not support his ticket. She later was his pick as the US Ambassador to the UN

4. Saudi Arabia, this was in June 2015. His post-election line could be different

5. John Oliver, in all fairness, not one of Trump’s biggest supporters

6. Germany. Angela Merkel won

7. Ben Carson

8. Macy’s. They show no signs of giving in at this point

9. Carly Fiorina, former HP CEO.

10. Amazon, which purchased the Washington Post in 2013

Joy Bhattacharjya is a quizmaster and Project Director, FIFA U-17 World Cup

Follow Joy on Twitter @joybhattacharj

Published on January 13, 2017 10:41