One horn ahead

Updated - September 11, 2015 at 03:43 PM.

Located 48km from Guwahati, Pobitora is a wildlife sanctuary with an impressive track record against poaching

Success stories are few and far between when it comes to conservation in India. But Pobitora is one happy exception. According to the 2012 rhino census, the population of the one-horned rhino has increased from 54 in 1987 to 93 in 2012. While Kaziranga National Park continues to make headlines for rampant rhino poaching, Pobitora has successfully prevented it. A 38.81 sq km reserve, Pobitora was declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1998 and today boasts one of the highest densities of one-horned rhinos in the world and the second-highest rhino population in India (after Kaziranga). Rhinos from Pobitora have also been translocated to Manas National Park, which was on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) red list for a decline in the numbers of the one-horned beast. Local people have taken a keen interest in Pobitora, which augurs well for its long-term conservation prospects. The sanctuary recorded zero poaching from 2007-10 — with only one rhino falling prey in 2012 — thanks to the joint endeavour of forest personnel, the local people and NGOs.

Situated near the Brahmaputra river and surrounded by farmland villages, Pobitora is just 48km from Guwahati city, in Morigaon district. Located so close to the capital, it has become a popular tourist destination. It also makes for a convenient stopover for visitors heading to Kaziranga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Pobitora is a swampy marshland, which makes it a perfect habitat for the rhino, wild buffalo, wild boar and many reptiles. It is also famous for its rich birdlife, especially during winter, when it attracts a large number of feathered visitors. Storks, falcon, and fish eagle are found here throughout the year.

Photos by Ritu Raj Konwar

Published on July 28, 2024 10:06