What can a global health crisis teach you? For starters, you realise that the people who truly care about you are more valuable than money, holidays in the Alps or even so-called life-events! Most importantly, you learn the importance of not taking your loved ones for granted and give more of yourself to them. Even if it is a 30-minute game of scrabble!

Too deep for a work-from-home employee? Well, it is the truth.

My week-long trip to my hometown had become an unexpected work-cum-vacation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While the situation seemed rather normal in other parts of the country, the scenario in my hometown – Kochi (situated in Kerala), was quite tensed.

I was surrounded by people who wore masks and my father insisted that I stayed at home. He always told me that I had to washing my hands as often as I could. At first, his demand of confining myself to the walls of my house seemed outrageous. After all, holidays are meant for friends, cousins and fun! But, I soon began to accept reality and decided to obey him (which is quite a rarity!). As a matter of fact, he had couriered an N-95 mask prior to my trip and had instructed me to wear it in the airport and remove it only after getting into his car.

House arrest, working from home and a lot of fun

So, has ‘house arrest’ been extremely tough to handle? Apart from the initial four days of curses and utmost boredom, I actually enjoy being at home. My decision to move to another city, in the name of better job prospects, had denied me the chance to spend more than four days per month at my hometown. With the lockdown in place, my family-time has increased exponentially.

While I do miss my office, a few colleagues and a few familiar yet friendly faces in another city, I can’t deny that my home has a lot to offer. To begin with, the warm greetings from my parents every morning, followed by numerous hugs are making my days brighter and happier than ever before. Sweeping, mopping, weeding, cooking and even doing the laundry as well as the dishes are actually better than any gym routine. It not only burns calories but makes you feel very content.

Indeed, I enjoy the chat sessions with colleagues and friends during lunch-time. But working from home has given me a chance to spend quality time with my parents as well as dine with them. It is always a pleasure to be part of the dining-table conversations. With an efficient wi-fi connection, I am also able to pursue a few online courses and gather more ideas for the many projects that I would like to work on.

Most importantly, my home has given me the confidence to stay away from my phone and focus on other sides of myself. I, finally, have the time to unleash my creative side, pursue my hobbies and even spend endless hours on my terrace. It is wonderful to merely stare at a star-lit sky every night.

This break has also re-kindled my ove for cloud watching. I enjoy watching the clouds during dusk and dawn as much as did during my childhood. It is amazing to see how nature allows you enjoy its true self by letting its flowers bloom, the birds chirp and the squirrels run helter skelter on the mango tree. With a lot of time on my hands, I also had the pleasure of inducting my mother into the world of internet banking.

Would I want to experience a lockdown again?

Let us face it. This lockdown was difficult in many ways, predominantly, as it raised pertinent questions about the sources of one’s meals, healthcare etc. Then again, I believe that if adequate provisions are made to look into various essential services, a law that insists on a strict ‘break’ from the hustle and bustle of the present world would do a lot of good. Not only would it ensure that one inhales cleaner air, but it would also play a crucial role in helping people realise the importance of being human before becoming ‘super human’. A ‘minimal-vehicle’ policy or a compulsory stay-in-door policy will definitely work wonders!