Vitamin Happiness deficiency is unknowingly being filled arguably by use of the apparent Vitamin MOBILE? No wonder happiness is at an all time low and the way out is possibly a TIME OUT!

Ha Ha most people will understand this but struggle to apply. With 2 grown up kids, we make it a point to spend quality time without our phones on Sundays. Initially it’s a struggle for all 4 of us , but it slowly falls into place.

Taking charge of our Mind, Mobile and Money is the possible way out for being happy!

Gen Z is a different generation and possibly as the name says, wants to have the final word.

Educated and technology friendly, multitasking comes naturally to them. Access to information is available at ease and Google is the old nanny whom they still stick to. Alexa and Siri are increasingly being used, they want to do things their own way and have a diversity of interest. Well educated and clear, they have a one track direction.

Someone (Our son Rushil) is trying to re- invent religion and has deeply read into the scriptures whereas someone else (Our daughter Avni) is trying to reduce the use of plastics. You ask them to move into a wider subject knowledge (not required) you criticise them and compare it to their passion area - a host of data from various sources appears out of nowhere to defend their point of view. They know how to persist and prove their point. A balance in terms of letting fresh air in and listening to points of different generations is an area of concern. Realist world view exists yet there is laziness in terms of planning in advance or in minute details as a lot of things can happen on the GO.

Did you book your ticket? ‘Not required as I was not sure what time I would wake up’ is the real reason but the reason given is’ I will buy it on a last minute deal on my way to the airport’. I packed the bag early morning before going ...Don’t Worry I know how to manage. Being Vegan is the new fad yet very few are in nature or get their daily dose of exercise. Alcohol, cigarettes and the internet control this generation.

The idea is to use time wholesomely as what goes cannot come back. I will enjoy myself after I earn a million only but my youth and health may have gone for a toss. Make time daily to learn, unlearn, and relearn contributing in small ways to oneself, family, work, environment and community. For example , take a walk, make tea for your parents, check up on someone , switch off the AC, carry around a recyclable bag for use, give a pack of biscuits to the needy.

On world happiness Day, why not commit 10 minutes daily to Caring, Sharing, Listening and Speaking to someone known and someone unknown daily. It’s a small action point with unlimited choices and options. Be aware to do your bit for Environment & society also as a give in back. The rewards are blessings in disguise that we may or may not realise immediately.

Applying ATM for Happiness i.e. Accept thyself and others, Take Charge and Make the Most of what you have - may help in the making the world a happy place.