Every fall, a new lease of life, lives rather are breathed into my own. Somewhere, at the other end of the world, a crew and cast are wrapping up a show, hoping to get on with their lives.

And rather ironically, so am I.

Now, of the many 21st century predicaments, addiction to American/English TV shows tops the list. It is indeed a worthy addiction, whether widely championed or not. One that gives respite, ensures a healthy heart and an occupied mind.

For all those “I’m having a terrible day”, “a cow mooed at me”, “a buffalo chased me”, and “a creepy-man winked at me”, here’s a world, waiting for you at the end of the day.

Here’s a list of my favourite TV shows. Particularly recommended for those with the short fuse syndrome.

The Big Bang Theory : Nerds and their (mis)adventures. Some good old eccentricity, social awkwardness and lady brawn. Foot-in-the-mouth situations, unusual disorders, lots and lots of star wars.

For all those of you rolling your eyes here, I assure you, the characters here are more real than the ones on your Facebook.

Also, in case you are one of those who left their General Knowledge volume series in the shelf to gather dust, now is the perfect time to start watching The Big bang. It has theories and trivia. On everything. What’s more, you can laugh your way through it.

Suits: Do you know the meaning of kickass?

Ever seen pure swagger?

Dreamed of earning millions with a twitch, a dot of ink?

Struggled with one-liners or chemistry or pined for intense drama?

For those who want to live vicariously, Suit Up.

And get some lessons on rebuttals and comebacks in the process.

Dexter : Good, bad, evil. The lines are blurry. Dexter Morgan is a reminder that darkness and evil lurk within all of us… so when you feel the world is deprived of justice and overrun by imbeciles, Dexter can prove to be just the kind of catharsis you need. Warning: any desire for imitation under false delusions must not be ignored. Bake under the tropical sun for half a day. It offers another, safer catharsis.

The Vampire Diaries : Damon Salvatore aka Ian Somerhaulder. Enough said.

How I met your mother : Desperate situations (read excessive and extreme boredom) call for desperate measures.

Friends : Like wearing your favourite old pajamas or reading Enid Blyton, or having popcorn at the movies, you’ll never grow out of FRIENDS no matter how much loyalties change or Technicolor improves. It is your safe place in the world. After-effects could include nostalgia, depression and days of unwillingness to engage with the real world. In that case, just go back to watching FRIENDS again.

Sherlock : A 21st century adaptation of anything is difficult. Even more so if it was written in what seems like the 17th. If your childhood consisted of a heavy diet of Nancy-Drew Hardy Boys and Agatha Christie mysteries, you are probably an expert detective already. Everything cheats you; half-way into a movie or down a book, you have already guessed the miscreants and culprits. But something comes once in a way and royally trolls you like a boss. Yes, it is called Sherlock.

Then there comes a time, a terrible time when seasons end, or a show wraps up, or worse, is randomly scrapped. For any series addict, this is an SOS situation. Worse than the one Tom Hanks faced in Cast Away .

This is no video game; no lives can be re-spawned, characters cannot be brought to life and they will not dance to the tune of control keys.

To endure the endless days and the long dreary nights of your own life, one that now seems empty and meaningless…as darkness looms…one can do nothing but play on loop.

Wake Me Up When September Ends.