A colleague tweeted: Why is that media and women outrage only when there is gang-rape in Mumbai or Delhi?

A valid question. In fact, a similar question was asked by a participant in one of the news channels. The response from the anchor, well…

Is media also to blame? Do we need to look within? How many incidents in small towns/cities/villages are reported like this.

And with the kind of screaming, shouting we see on the channels, are we not making the victim, an accused, for a deed which she is not responsible for.

According to reports, the family of the young photo-journalist issued a statement asking the media to respect the privacy of their child.

Raising a voice against such a heinous crime is right. Generating public opinion is right. But, to go into gory details, is not right. Laws need to be implemented with all fairness. Punish the guilty, even if it is the powerful.

I know it is easy to give sermons, difficult to give answers.

A sense of helplessness, I feel. Yesterday we were talking about Nirbhaya, today we are talking about a photo-journalist. Where do we begin to STOP this? What is the solution?

At home, at school! Teach the next generation to respect fellow humans. To educate young the intricacies of life. The scar such incidents leave.

Having said so, the political brigade of the country also needs to do its two bit. Till now none has been able to generate a sense of confidence among women. The Netas who are preparing for 2014 should not undermine the power of women voters.

The TATA Tea Gold’s new commercial for its campaign, Jaago Re: Titled ‘The power of 49: Jaago Re- Politician’ rightly reminds us of our strength. It roots for women empowerment. It reminds us that 49 per cent of the voter base of our country is ‘women’.

Time to open our minds! We are the ones who kept quiet. But, not any longer. Misconceptions about women need to be corrected.

A group of young boys and girls, who are going to be first time voters in 2014 said, “Today, we are angry. But, we will use our power.”

Yes, try. Only when you make an attempt do you succeed!