The BJP leadership seems to have heard my young colleague -- and against all odds, if there were any -- Namonia! has spread.

Here I was complaining about how 'Fatigued' I was as a viewer. I had lost count of the number of times that my ears had been pummelled by NaMo! Namoitis! Namonia!

All TRPs right now belong to Narendra Modi.

As soon as the announcement of his 'anointment' came, discussions on his body language and his appearance have started. In fact, those who claim to be indifferent to his existence are busy giving sound bytes on Modi. Already making him the prime ministerial candidate with comments like he is as “secular” as any other leader in the party...

And the visibility of the man has been such that I end up updating my blog on him.

Is it because he gets one noticed or is it because his larger-than-life image is unnerving? And if it is this larger-than-life image, then aren’t we responsible for it?

Of course, critics will say his image management is good. In fact, one has heard interesting tales on how Modi manages his PR and that ‘what you see is not the real man’. Well! Well!

When I asked a youngster who will be your choice in 2014? The kid looked at me, thought, and then countered – do I have a choice?

His response, once again, threw up the same question: As a voter, do I have a choice? It's the same names that are floating.

But, wait. He also said, Modi, as we expect him to take decisions. Hmmm…!!! So, this young man was of the view that Modi will take decisions. He was impressed with the Gujarat story.

I recollect a conversation with a close friend. According to him, and many others, the picture of Gujarat, which we see from here, could be very different. Agreed! But, isn’t it the same with some other States. And whether we like it or not, Modi has moved beyond Gujarat.

Whether 2014 will see him at 7, Race Course Road is a different matter though.

All eyes are now on Congress. Will Rahulmania takeover Namonia? Will my choice as a voter be wider? Let's watch the space!