There are approved layouts, unapproved layouts and cooked unapproved layouts. I can see the reader’s rising eyebrows on reading the words ‘cooked unapproved layouts’.

While approved layout denotes a layout with Government seal and layout number, unapproved layout is the one without Government seal and layout number, cooked unapproved layout is the one which has a layout number but without a Government seal.

Here is how some unapproved layouts were cooked a decade or two back. First a layout is prepared with provisions for roads, parks, community hall, etc. Then it is submitted to the Government for approval. During the process, a number is assigned to that layout stating that it will take sometime to get the Government’s seal of approval.

After getting the layout number, the promoter will start selling the plots stating that the layout will be approved by the Government subsequently. If someone raises query as to when the seal of approval will be obtained, the promoter will ask the client to check the number with the Government whether it is a genuine one. Those who check will eventually be told that there is a bright chance for the layout to get the seal of approval.

In two, three months every plot will be sold and the promoter will move to some another place to promote some other layout. After people start building houses, suddenly there will crop up fencing at the end point of one or two connecting roads. The people who bought the plot based on the layout, will naturally approach the Government as to why someone is blocking the road which is clearly shown as a road in their layout. Upon this query they will be told: ‘Sir, you have bought an unapproved layout, there is no road there as per our records. We are here to help you if you could provide us the approved layout with Government seal.’

Out of six intersecting roads, at least two will be blocked and taken over by X, Y or Z. Who are the guys who block the road space? All the influential ones, of course.

I have the experience of witnessing all the three types of layouts.

While the approved layouts seldom lands one in problem via road block, no park, etc, unapproved and cooked unapproved ones are beset with problems. Here, there is an unwritten dictum that some parts of the land gifted for road, park, etc, are automatically assumed to have been gifted to the influential ones.

We can find these 'gifted' ones by perusing the FMBs (field measurement books) wherein among the 30-, 40-feet width plots there are also the odd 20-, 30-feet width plots at the end of the lane (a dead-end or having dead-end).