On reading Dinakaran’s blog ‘ Losing a friend, virtually ’ I started thinking about the word virtual, its implications, utility or otherwise in relationship, etc. Here are some of them that occurred inside my ‘virtual’ chatter box:

As we tend to move with people based on the images we have about them, can it be termed that all our relationship has a tinge of virtual quality?

With a brain mechanism that is capable of remembering everything that makes an impact on one’s ego, is it at all possible to relate in a real way? Is it possible for the human mind to look at things totally afresh each time? Can it be called a virtuous living if one learns the art of seeing things afresh?

Is it possible for man to escape knowledge? Is there a place in life to see things afresh without the sediment of memory?

What is the state of mind that awes at a mountain, a beautiful face, the roaring sea, enthralling music, and forgets itself for a second? Can that state be termed as a state of ‘real’ relationship?

Since, at one point in time or other, everyone experiences a wonderstruck state, can it be concluded that there is definitely a place for seeing things afresh, as in nature nothing seems to be out of place mostly?

Tail piece: A poem (?) I wrote two years ago:

Dancing leaves with sublime innocence

Against the hot and piercing Sun

Without a single sign of resistance

With withering leaves, the dance is on amid silence

Perhaps to show us the Life’s core truth

That Death is Life’s shadow in all its presence