Speed has become the new currency of business.

Predictions for the global digital economy, digitisation and digital currency made as early as last year have all gone out the window in the last six months as the pandemic forced new truths to emerge in practically every sector in the world. Change and the speed of change appear to be the new currency and your agility to adapt to ‘New Normals’ will now be the measure of your success in the coming days. 

Whether you are a professional, industry leader or a regulator, you can no longer be complacent about the way the global economy is shifting and your role in it. 

What exactly is happening?

Over the last year, and particularly in the last six months since the novel coronavirus swept through the world, destroying businesses and shifting political equations in its wake, a lot has changed. The future of the economy, both domestic and global, has been evolving to the digital mode for a while now, but the pace has quickened drastically in the last months. Shifting global power equations are impacting the economy in different ways, affecting organisations, businesses and the individual in more ways than one. Both the macro and the micro have been impacted at a core level. 

To top it, digital currency is poised to change the nature of economies everywhere, in much the same way that the Internet changed the core nature of business two decades ago. And now, we also need to be prepared for a changed regulatory landscape as governments find their feet in a drastically different post pandemic world.

How do we help ourselves?

Even as our roles get re-defined and work ethos undergoes a sea change, there is a need to make sure we are up to speed with the changes are geared to embrace the new order, or even be a part of the new defining order. There is little you can absorb from the available resources on the Net, and the lockdowns have seriously impaired your ability to get out there and upskill yourself. There are however resources that will now allow you to access the best of knowledge dissemination from the best institutions in the country, right from the comfort of your home.

Why a Programme in Global Economy and Digital Money?

There are multiple reasons for you to engage with an  online programme like the one offered by TalentSprint in collaboration with IIM Calcutta  that will not just help you upskill but will enable you to prepare yourself for a digitised world fuelled by disruption and newer technologies. The programme is intended for all those keen on staying ahead in the new economic order. This is how.

* Help identify global economic signals and their impact

- Changing global political equations, emerging digital currencies and changing business models require you to get help to understand the economic and financial impact of such global signals on businesses and their growth.

* Prepare for post-pandemic disruption

- Digitisation has already carved new models of working and this will only deepen as we navigate a post pandemic global scenario. A programme like this helps you understand how this new type of work model will impact global value creation including investments and portfolios.

* New opportunities in a new world

- Economies will open up, but self-reliance will also be a buzzword. Never before opportunities will present themselves and positioning yourself as an early adopter will let you leverage techno economic disruptions for business growth faster. Armed with the right perspective to steer businesses or institutions in a global digital economy, you can be better poised to exploit these opportunities that require being ready for them ahead of the market.

* Have a finger on the pulse of changing regulatory landscape

-  The right programme that allows you to track these changes in real time under the guidance of mentors who are experts in their field lets you understand how government policies are shaping the future of the economy in general and the issue of Central Bank Digital Currencies in particular.

Why should I choose a TalentSprint and IIM-C backed programme?

TalentSprint has been at the forefront of conducting executive programmes that are not just tailored with the best of mentors and curriculum, but one that consistently evolves with the needs of the times. TalentSprint was the first to launch the only one of its kind programme on AI powered marketing earlier this year, and the  Advanced Programme in Global Economy and Digital Money  is perhaps the first of its kind anywhere in the world.

The programme comes with the powerhouse backing of the IIM, Calcutta, allowing you to access world-class institutional knowledge in Economics and Technology. You get to learn from experts with deep research and experience in Global Economy and Digital Money, which has experiential learning at its heart, with an ideal mix of theory with practice with real-life industry based case-studies. Finance and investment professionals, business leaders, regulators and economists can benefit from this programme, and its faculty-led interactive live online sessions. 

What’s in it for me?

Modules like Modern Global Trade and Capital Flows, Digital Economy: Decision Making and Market Structures and Central Bank Digital Currencies, among others, will help you build upon and strengthen the success you have achieved thus far in your career. The course, which fetches you an Executive Programme Certificate by IIM Calcutta, allows you to Network with Current and Future Leaders, besides of course, letting you learn from Leading IIM Calcutta Faculty and helping you become an alumnus of IIM Calcutta Executive Education.

The course is open to Business Leaders, Investment Managers, Banking and Finance Professionals, Treasury Managers, Researchers, Analysts, and Regulators across industries including Banking, Finance, Insurance, Consulting, Technology, International Trade, Education and others. 

The course has been so designed as to allow you to opt for an easy fee payment structure, should you clear its selection process.

To conclude

Adapting to a brave new world is going to require an open mind to change and an appetite for learning. The  Advanced Programme in Global Economy and Digital Money  is the perfect way to help you cash in on those opportunities and arm yourself for a bright future!