In the past 7 months, the spread of the global Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected businesses and our day-to-day lives in ways we never imagined till date. While many workplaces are slowly getting acclimatized to what we know as the “New Normal” there are a lot of technological challenges that they are facing. From setting up remote offices to ensuring round the clock connectivity. At Lenovo, we strive to help our clients and partners overcome the challenges with the help of smarter technology. Here are some tips that will help remote workers adapt to the new world.

Protecting Crucial Data

One of the biggest challenges that both companies and employees face while working remotely is data security. This is where the Lenovo ThinkShield comes to the rescue. This technology offers end-to-end security right from the time you boot up. This ensures that your data is safe no matter where you operate from.

A Transparent supply chian that offers traceability, certified secure & trust suppliers along with Tamper-resistant asset tagging are some of the key protections offered in Lenovo ThinkShield security. Moreover, clients also have the ability to remotely wipe their hard disks with Windows Information Protection. And to complete the package, clients have access to secure disposal services so that there is no compromise on their crucial and confidential data at any point of time.


Creating a Conducive Work from Home Environment

Office environments are designed in ways that help bolster discipline and productivity. Also, when there are no colleagues and bosses around, things can get a bit overwhelming. Another important challenge when it comes to working from home is having a distraction free environment where one can focus on the tasks at hand. Hence, having a space dedicated to work, just like how you have your desk or cubicle in office proves to be very important. Here are 3 tips that can help:

  • Find out what works best for you. There are some who would enjoy working while sitting on a bean bag, while others would prefer to have a more disciplined desk and chair approach. Find what works best for you.
  • Set realistic deadlines and ensure that you meet them. While things can be difficult initially and this is where the work=reward equation comes into place. Set small goals and reward yourself each time you achieve them. This will help you boost your own productivity in the long run.
  • Make technology work for you. Get smart accessories such as Lenovo webcams and headsets that will ensure you do not face any hindrances on the technological front during critical video conferences.

An environment that is conducive for working from home and also has all the technologies to ensure productivity and protects data is the need of the hour today and this is where Lenovo stands up to the challenge successfully. To know more, just  click here