His father, literally shaking with anger, shouted at the top of his voice “you know nothing about a government job and the stability it provides to the family. Your generation takes it so much for granted”.

Mahendar, a post graduate in materials engineering, was working in government and held a research position. The workstation was quite close to his house, which provided him with all the comforts of working close to one’s home along with the government job security. Everyday, his life carried the same rhythm and ran on ‘auto’ mode. His parents were quite happy and proud to see the kind of stability Mahender carried in his life.

One day, after coming home, he spoke at length about the enormous amount of data everybody produced and the importance of studying data science. As soon as Mahender mentioned taking up a course and changing jobs, his father noticed the change in his thoughts and discussed how he did not have to quit such a good job to pursue a course. Little arguments started at Mahender’s house as soon as he brought up the topic of ‘data science demand’ or changing his job.

In the meantime, during his personal time, he kept researching at the various data science courses. He tried to understand different factors like the curriculum, mentors, flexibility, hands-on learning method for joining a course. Out of all the courses available online, he found OdinSchool’s data science course to be the best. This not only has an industry-vetted curriculum but is also regularly updated as per the industry standards and is taught by the industry experts in a project-based learning environment. Mahender was bowled over when he read OdinSchool’s success stories filled with inspiring stories especially of non-IT graduates who reached the pinnacle of their abilities and smoothly transitioned to the data science industry. They are also working in good data science job roles. There are also people who have successfully relaunched or upgraded their careers. After reading so many flourishing stories without a second thought, Mahender joined OdinSchool’s data science course As he wanted to devote his complete time to the subject, he quit his job to avoid any kind of deviation.

Now, when his parents came to know about him quitting his job, all hell broke loose. His father was at his wits end and was furious with Mahendar. His father screamed, “how could you leave a government job to join some course”. After some drama, he calmed his parents and explained the immediate need for him to study data science through a proper channel and told them the reason for his decision to quit his job.

His father, though skeptical for some time, understood the passion behind Mahender’s idea of having data science as a full-fledged profession when he saw him working very hard on different projects.

Mahender said, “As I come from a non-tech background, I initially had many fears about diving into the technically complex and unfamiliar tech industry”. In addition, Mahender also said that OdinSchool goes beyond course completion and focuses on all round development.

In conclusion, Mahender’s leap from a stable government job to data science highlights the value of following one’s passion and the importance of adaptability in today’s fast-evolving job market.

“This article is part of sponsored content programme.”