Mental Health Demands Execution instead of Superficial Words and Theories

Updated - July 22, 2021 at 09:28 PM.



"Enough of lacing up stories and debates around mental peace and sickness, it is time to hit the nail on the head and get the matter on big platforms. Influential personalities now need to take the sack of measures for individuals suffering from mental distress. As each and every life residing on the globe holds equal value and needs to be taken into consideration as the beauty and future lie within them" said Prof. NabhitKapur the Founder of Peacfulmind foundation and World leaders for mental health.

He also stated, "I would like to captivate your attention for the next few minutes by taking you through the data that revolves around mental health. According to the reports, it was estimated that the number of deaths due to mental suffering will lower down to 57 million by 2019. WHO reported that in the year 2017, approximately 20% of the teenagers were torn apart by the condition which eventually forced them to opt for suicide, and most of them aged from 15-29 years. Another story piece put forward by the World Economic Forum (WEF) states that during 2018, 300 million people endured depression, 50 million were suffering from Alzheimer's, and 21 million were afflicted by Schizophrenia, all of which are mental conditions. The list tends to continue, the Mental Health Atlas of WHO for the year 2017 disclosed one mental health worker per 100,000 population scales on low-income groups and around 70 of them hail from high-income countries. To be precise, we need to understand that instead of comprehending as a small fry, it undoubtedly refers to a big league. If we desire to survive for a long period then robust measures need to be taken into consideration as building castles in the air won’t be enough to fill out the pit of mental health diseases."

The Founder of Peacfulmind foundation says, "such reports bring me to my wit’s end, the data makes me think twice and constantly makes me fight with one question: Is curing mental health problems exorbitantly expensive? My interest made me research for the same, and now I am about to knock you down with a feather by presenting the numbers. 1 trillion is utilized annually for mental health conditions, moving ahead 4 % of the global GDP is used for its indirect and direct costs which when compared consolidated to upper respiratory, diabetes, and cancer are more. WHO has estimated that by 2030 the costs for mental illness programs will reach up to 6 trillion dollars yearly. However, the Wuhan virus has made the situation worse and rattled the mental care of 93% of nations till September 2020."

Prof. NabhitKapur believes that with cons comes the pros as well. He says, "as every cloud has a silver lining, similarly some initiates were taken by the government that cannot be overlooked and needs to be brought to light. Programmes such as Mental Health Action Plan from 2013-2020 and Special Initiative for Mental Health from 2019-2023 are some of the initiatives that have catered to the people suffering from mental sickness, and other plans were also executed on a national as well as sub-nations scale. But unfortunately, the resources tend to cross only halfway and fail to reach the actual needy, only 9 per 10,000 population gets successful in enjoying the services and getting cured of the slow-killer. Mental health needs to be encompassed as mandatory for every individual and should acquire all the benefits of the therapy. Not even 70% of states consider the condition to be the segment of the National Insurance Scheme. The problem lies within the governance and implementation of such programmes and schemes. Words won't do any justice to the sufferers, the surefire actions would, theories would start to stale if not executed properly and in a powerful manner both on national plus sub-national scales. The day all the authorities make a pact to achieve the mental peace goal, the day won’t be far when the majority of issues will get sorted and individuals will outgrow on a better level. Determination is what will take the government closer to the outcome. Intentions play a crucial role but before hopping forward, it is strongly required that the root cause is analyzed, deep-research not only brings solutions but also the reasons which are putting a halt on the schemes to get executed. Moreover, the services shouldn’t cost an arm and leg and instead need to be revamped for rapid reach.

Prof. NabhitKapur, has made it possible to make mental health services more accessible and approachable by changing the narrative. During the second covid 19 wave he has come up with various initiatives & programmes and managed to change numerous lives with his robust and positive approach.

Published on July 22, 2021 10:26