This week, we are in conversation with Ritu Gupta, Marketing Director, Dell India . With over 20 years of experience across variousmarketing functions such as consumer insights, brand management, productmanagement, new product development and innovation across FMCG, retail bankingand consumer durables, she specialises in new product development, brand andproduct management, advertising, market research, CRM, and leading bigmarketing teams. 


Have millennials and GenZ transformedthe way businesses approach marketing?

Millennialsand GenZ are shaping the future of marketing. India has the world’s largestpopulation of young people and they constitute a crucial consumer group formost brands, directly influencing the way brands approach marketing these days. 


Whenmarketing to millennials and GenZ, traditional approaches alone will not be aseffective. Digital tools and platform must be leveraged by including them inthe marketing mix. The narrative has also changed. Marketers need to speak thelanguage of millennials and GenZ, rather than just convey what the brand wantsto say. The story is also no longer a monologue, but a two-way communication.Brands need to understand what the audience wants to hear, how it is relevantto them, and integrate that into their marketing initiatives. 


Marketingto this young audience must also be on their terms, through platforms andchannels that they most prefer, such as social media and video content.Millennials and GenZ are always on the go, and they love consuming differentkinds of content. Hence, it becomes imperative for brands to understand thesepreferences and tailor their marketing strategy accordingly.  


Whatare the best ways to connect with and sell to these groups?

Itis essential to understand that these generational segments view brands as aform of self-expression. Brands can no longer sell to them; millennials andGenZ have to buy into the brand. The best way to connect with them is to bepresent on the same platforms where they are and speak about what brings valueto them. A key differentiator among brands is how they create value for thisaudience. 


Afew generations earlier, there were not as many brands as there are today, soit was easier for brands to sell to their audience. Today, millennials and GenZare spoilt for choice, surrounded by a huge number of brands and categories.Consequently their attention span is very short, and they are distracted. Thebest way for brands to navigate this clutter is to connect with their valuesystem, speak their language, demonstrate how the brand adds value to theirlives, and be present on the same channels as they are.


Accordingto global research commissioned by Dell Technologies, GenZ has a deep,universal understanding of technology and its potential to transform the way wework and live. Having grown up as digital natives, most of GenZ have confidencein their technical prowess. In APJ (the Asia Pacific and Japan), 70 percent rate their technology literacy as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’. Hence brands haveto increase their digital presence and engagement to reach this audience effectively.


  What are the specific technologies that havedriven these changes?

Increasedmobile penetration, affordable internet data, and the amplified consumption anduse of social media, have driven the evolution of how marketers engage withmillennial and GenZ audiences.



Whatdo you need to win in the marketplace - better technology or betterideas?  

Winningin the marketplace needs a combination of both better ideas and bettertechnology. While a better idea can help differentiate a brand in the market,superior technology can undoubtedly give the brand an edge over thecompetition. However, in isolation, neither are enough since they will onlygive the brand a first-mover advantage, as both ideas and technology can bereplicated. Therefore, it is vital to have a great idea thriving on superiortechnology.


Whatmakes customer experiences the differentiator of the future?    

Acustomer’s relationship with the brand is a huge differentiator. Earlier, thisused to be driven predominantly by marketing and advertising, and it was easyto foster these relationships. Now, there are far wider choices among brands ascompared to those available to earlier generations.


Today,brands are also more confident in their offerings. They rely on customerexperiences, to the extent that if a customer wants to explore a competitor’sofferings, brands that are confident of their strengths know that the customerwill soon be back in their fold. What brings these customers back is theirexperience with the brand, which competitors may find hard to replicate. 


How do you bridge the gap betweenexpectation and experience? 

Consistentengagement with customers to derive insights and implementing them whereverrelevant is key to bridging this gap. Social media is today a big part ofconsumers’ lives and an enabler for consumer brands. 


Sociallistening is an important part of understanding the customer experience. Worldover, and including India,at Dell, we have one of the largest social listening teams and have madesignificant investments in that area. Since everything that we do at Dell iskept with the customers in mind, we are continually listening to what they sayon multiple social platforms and taking feedback. Using social listening, wecan understand our customer’s needs and expectations. With these insights, wecan deliver enhanced product or service experiences.


What does it take for brands to staycompetitive in today's dynamic economy and market?

AtDell, we believe in having the right product in the right place with the rightdifferentiator, whether it is the experience or technology. To staycompetitive, brands must have a loyal customer base because this can give theman edge against their biggest competitors.


Can a one-size-fits-all approach workin a differentiated market such as India?

Unlike in other countries, for acountry as diverse as India,‘a one-size-fits-all approach’ doesn’t always apply. Brands need to identifytheir target audience and curate branding initiatives and campaigns thatresonate with them. In the end, it is all about differentiating one’s brand,and adding value to consumers’ lives while retaining the brand’s core values. 


Whyand how should brands think local? 

India is an ethnically diverse country.Every State is unique, and so is each city within it. As such, it is importantto think local. At Dell, we tailor our communications and marketing outreachduring regional festivals to suit the State and the festival. For example,during Ugadi in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, and Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, we roll out promos and offers specific tothese markets.


How do you approach markets in thesouth when it comes to branding and consumer engagement?

Whenit comes to tech and adoption, while we cannot categorise it in terms of SouthIndia versus North India, we do see greatpotential in these markets, and our marketing activities are curated to suitlocal trends. For instance, we believe that small businesses are flourishing inthe South, and Dell opened its first-ever small business solution centre inBengaluru. It is interesting to note that this is also Dell’s first-ever smallbusiness solution centre in the world.


This article is partof a brand initiative by The Hindu BusinessLine to profile marketingprofessionals from across India.