YouTube is the second most-used online platform globally, with over two billion users. So a YouTube creator can make money quickly if he follows some tips and tactics. What is YouTube monetization? It means earning revenue from your YouTube content. However, to double your payment, you need high-quality, engaging content.

You can do many things for monetization, like buying views to increase followers. we will explain to you to start making money from your YouTube videos.

What Are the Requirement of YouTube Monetization?

You must join the YouTube Partner Program to monetize YouTube. YouTube’s application evaluation process takes approximately a month. YouTube personnel analyse each application, so it may take more than a month.

Have 1000 or More YouTube Followers

Channels need at least 1,000 subscribers before they can begin receiving payments from YouTube.

Have 4000 hours of YouTube View Time

Along with 1000 followers, you’ll need 4,000 hours of YouTube before you can start making money from advertisements. You have to enhance this 4,000 hours of YouTube within one year. You need to upload 20,000 monthly average viewing minutes to achieve this target. Moreover, you can reach the number if you upload one or many engaging video content on YouTube. But it’s challenging for both new and old YouTubber to complete 4000 watch hours.

Live in a YouTube Partner Program Region

Many nations have implemented the YPP, but not all of them have. So, you must be a citizen of that country eligible for YouTub monetization.

Have Active Community Guidelines Strikes on Your Channel

YouTube takes Community Guidelines seriously. All channels, regardless of size, are bound to the guidelines. If you play by the rules, you won’t have any problems.

Have a Linked AdSense Account

You must link your channel with your Google AdSense account; otherwise, you can’t get your payment.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

It makes it harder for someone to take over your account. It’s a must-have measure to ensure your channel stays secure.

The Rules of YouTube Monetization

As we told you before, monetising your YouTube channel is to generate income from your uploads. For YouTube monetisation, you need to follow some rules. In this section, we will highlight some rules in front of you to monetize your YouTube offerings. 

1. The first rule is to open an Adsense Account. Adsense is Google’s internal advertisement network for marketing and selling online ads across many platforms. YouTube also includes in Google’s Adsense platform.

2. Then you must join in YouTube Partner Program or YPP. Membership benefits include a dedicated retail shelf and access to exclusive membership channels.

3. The third rule is to enable your monetisation button from YouTube when your application is approved. Then follow all the steps.

4. The issue of copyrights is crucial for your video content. If you want to avoid legal trouble with Copyright, follow this regulation and get a license for your background music. Music for your videos on YouTube may be sourced from websites with copyright clearance.

5. You must avoid the following pitfalls if you want your YouTube videos to get YouTube views. They are:

  • First, you must avoid adding controversy or false statements. You may face a penalty if you intentionally cause controversy by using misleading or offensive language.
  • Next, you can’t use any kind of slang. You may get red flags for your videos if you use nasty words.
  • If your thumbnail and content differ, your content will get flagged or known as misleading.
  • Don’t upload scary content. Advertisers don’t want to be connected with sensitive material, mainly if there’s no cause for it.

6. You must obey the following YouTube monetisation guidelines. They are

  • Google AdSense strategies
  • Community Tips
  • Rules of Monetization
  • Terms and Conditions for YouTube
  • Copyright
Tips for YouTube Monetization

Advertising is the most obvious way to monetize videos, but artists may use other approaches. You can also buy YouTube views to get the desired watch time from Youtube Market. The platform offers authentic and affordable youtube subscribers, views, and watch time at affordable prices. So, here I come with some tips for YouTube monetization. 

Add YouTube Ads

The easiest and most recognized way to monetize is by adding ads. You may choose from various YouTube ad types to manage the appearance of these commercials before, after, or during a video.

Once you sign up for the YPP, you can monetize specific videos or your whole channel with ads. Your clips must match YouTube’s advertiser-friendly content criteria to broadcast advertising.

YouTube Premium

Subscribers to YouTube Premium may avoid ads and store videos for offline viewing. The number of times your Premium subscribers view your videos will determine the money you get. Subscription income payments are given to video producers, like ad revenue payments, so you still get paid for your films.


Affiliate marketing is another option for making money off of your YouTube videos. You may promote things as an affiliate. Give your followers various discounts. Affiliate marketing involves sending visitors to a brand’s website for a commission. A transaction is completed, and you get a commission if the user buys anything after clicking on your affiliate link.

Channel Membership

Monthly YouTube channel subscriptions provide unique benefits. Channel members may get special deals, 1:1 live conversations, and videos from creators. You need 1000 station subscribers to obtain these features.

Make Sponsored Content

You may earn a decent income from your YouTube videos by including sponsored content. If your videos are popular among the audience, you will get enough sponsored content. There is a lot of potential revenue to be made from the industry.


You can earn money via YouTube just only making video content. But make your content popular, you must follow YouTube monetisation rules and regulations. We hope after reading this article, we hope you will get some guidelines to earn more revenue from YouTube.

“This article is part of sponsored content programme.”