Business Wire IndiaMr. Manmeet Ahluwalia, Marketing Head, Expedia in India.DETAILED SURVEY FINDINGS:Tech – the only constant in a millennial’s life!      
  • 94 % use a smartphone (a phone that connects to the internet e.g. iPhone, Blackberry, Android phones such as Samsung Galaxy)
  • 56% use a tablet computer (e.g. iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, BlackBerry Playbook)
  • 23% use a wearable device that connects to the internet (e.g. a smart watch, a smart wristband)
  • 21% use an e-reader (e.g. Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)
  • 21% use a handheld game device (e.g. PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, PSP, Nintendo DS)
  • 24% women use handheld gaming devices (e.g. PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, PSP, Nintendo DS) v/s a mere 15% men using the same
The holidaying millennial!Trotting through Asia is on the bucket list of majority millennials!Within the next 5 years, they would like to travel to
  • Asia -34% | Europe -18% | United States 14% | Australia – 11%
We love to compare!While planning the last holiday…
  • 46% Took advice from family
  • 46% Took advice from friends
  • 43% Used price comparison websites  
  • 42% Used travel company websites e.g. hotel/ airline websites
  • 36% Read travel blogs
  • 35% Used consumer review websites              
  • 34% Used online travel forums
  • 34% Browsed travel images online
  • 33% Used websites which make available expert opinion
  • 23% Used travel related magazines
  • 23% Went to a travel agent
  • 22% Browsed travel videos online
  • 20% Requested advice on social media
Biggest influencers (for those who have taken steps to plan holiday)   
  • 13% go through Travel company websites e.g. hotel/airline websites
  • 12% go through Websites which make available expert opinion
  • 12% go through Advice from family
  • 11% go through Advice from friends
  • 11% go through Consumer review websites
  • 9% go through Price comparison websites
  • 7% go through online travel forums
  • 5% go through Travel blogs
We prefer multigenerational holidays!Travel Buddies for last holiday
  • Multi generation holiday (50%) | with his/her partner (42%) | with his/her friends (37%)
  • With his/her parents (37%) | with his/her children (20%) | Alone (7%)
Overall 66% Millennials have registered with an online travel agency, out of which:
  • 58% registered to receive exclusive holiday discounts
  • 47% registered to be able to access my booking information more easily
  • 46% registered to receive improved customer service
  • 45% registered to receive personalized holiday offers
  • 42% registered to receive alerts when the holidays I am interested in change in price
  • 42% registered to be able to save details of holidays that I'm interested in
  • 42% registered to be able to save their holiday preferences
  • 40% registered to receive help more quickly if there is a problem while I am travelling
  • 32% registered to be notified when I need to complete important steps before my holiday e.g. organize my registered Visa, vaccinations
  • 32% registered to access exclusive travel forums       
The digital millennial!                                              We Book travel/holidays:
  • Online travel agency (62%) | through airline and/or hotel websites directly (19%)
  • Over the phone (8%) | in an offline travel agency (7%)
We prefer to book through OTAs because iWe just love customization!We like to share our personal information to get:
  • Special offers/discounts relevant to holidays I might like (53%)
  • Helpful travel/holiday advice and tips relevant to me personally (52%)
  • Personal recommendations for holidays I might like to purchase (45%)
  • Better tailored services to me as a result of learnings from my previous purchases/behaviours (37%)
  • Funny or amusing content (22%)
(By personal data we mean information such as browsing or purchase history more than just your personal details like name, email address)Dear office. I need to break-up!Our motivation for last holiday was to:
  • Have a break from work (50%)
  • Find more excitement in my life (48%)
  • Reduce stress (46%)
  • Fulfil my dream of travelling to a new destination (42%)
  • Send quality time with my partner (36%)
  • For a change in weather (36%)
  • Spend quality time with friends (36%)
  • Treat myself to something exclusive (31%)
  • Have a truly authentic cultural experience (34%)
  • Spend quality time with my children (17%)
  • Be alone (18%)
We would love new services
  • A service that allowed you to split the cost of a holiday (e.g. travel, accommodation) online between different payment options- 85% interested
  • A service that allowed you to split the cost of a holiday (e.g. travel, accommodation) online with another person-76% interested
  • Wearable technology that automatically adjusted your hotel room temperature according to your own body temperature- 75% interested
  • A suitcase that connected to the internet, which you could track using a smartphone app- 84% interested
  • A service that provided surprise holiday recommendations based on your personality - 84% interested
  • A service that provided surprise holiday recommendations based on your budget - 89% interested
We wield influence…
  • Holiday photos posted by my contacts on social media influence where I decide to go on holiday – 59% Agree; 17% Disagree
  • I would like to use virtual reality (VR e.g. Oculus Rift) to discover which holiday destinations I will find the most interesting – 60% Agree; 12% Disagree
  • I would be willing to interact with a brand on social media (e.g. tweet about a brand, follow a brand) in order to receive holiday discounts/ off – 63% Agree; 14% Disagree
  • The thought of going on holiday alone intimidates me – 50% Agree; 22% Disagree
  • I have posted a photo/video of my holiday on a social network while I'm away – 64% Agree; 18% Disagree           
  • It's important to me that people comment on the holiday photos I post on social media - 57% Agree; 18% Disagree
  • If I use a travel company's services, I would be happy for them to rate me as a customer – 70% Agree; 7% Disagree     
  • I worry for my safety on holiday abroad more than I do when I'm on holiday in my own country – 64% Agree; 13% Disagree
  • When I go on holiday, the most important thing for me is to experience the authentic culture of the place- 83% Agree; 4% Disagree
  • I often make holiday plans at the last minute - 40% Agree; 39% Disagree    
  • When researching a holiday, I enjoy saving links and images to refer to at a later stage - 74% Agree; 7% Disagree
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