Pepsi chose the festival of lights to make a strong plug for families to unite at “home” for Diwali. I love the thought. I have often marveled at friends in the USA who somehow manage to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And in India, even as the economy develops and our diaspora spreads across the globe, budgets, lack of time, other priorities seem to overtake the necessity to come together as a family on a given day in the year. So Pepsi, I doff my hat to you for having lead the charge. Now, to the short film itself. Seven minutes of tear jerking. Tissues mandatory. But with seven minutes of luxury, why leave so many gaps? The young lady feels strongly enough to come home to her parents, while her husband seems to be the pet poodle on a tight leash. Maybe his parents are no more. And where were the parents when this guilt ridden young lady comes back home. A gorgeously illuminated residence and the parents were probably out partying while the daughter and family warm the portico on Diwali night. And amidst all the video calls, and the familial feelings Pepsi and Kurkure somehow blend with the mushy emotions, and the core values of these two powerful brands resonate with the teary magic of the moment right? I believe that!

Skills for all

The National Skill Development Corporation has set out to provide a slew of skill sets to Indians. And they have launched three TVC’s to promote these courses. One film addresses the jewelry making course. Another a security-person’s course and a third is a montage of several things. The action line in the TVC’s exhorts those interested in doing these course to make a missed call to the number shown on the screen. I personally believe the NSDC is performing a yeoman’s service to the nation. One of the most vital inputs this country needs is a crash course that makes young Indians more employable. I am thrilled that the NSDC is performing this important task. If you are wondering why this looks more like a plug that a review, it is because that is precisely what it is. I won’t review the films and spoil the warm feeling we should have about this noteworthy effort. If they have an advertising course, there may be some people I could recommend.

ASCI violations

The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) is a self-regulatory body that makes us all very proud. How many industries boast of such a body? The latest list of violations in the category of advertisements that were found misleading or false or not adequately scientifically substantiated is quite revealing. I have taken out a partial list of names of these companies. Partial why? I have only talen the names of large brands, simply because I believe, and I’m sure so do you, that these are trust-worthy brands that have no reason or excuse to be in this defaulters list. The list includes Hindustan Unilever Pureit water purifier, Loreal India for Garnier Color Naturals, ITC Ltd. for Vivel, Marico Ltd. for Livon Conditioning Cream and Pfizer Ltd. All giants. Guys, it really doesn’t good to see your names in this list. Get your act together. Sit with your Agencies and resolve never to be on the ASCI list of violators of the Code.

Sunfeast Bounce

A nice animated film with a crocodile and a monkey first fighting each other and then combining their strengths to get the Sunfeast Bounce cream biscuits. Firstly, the genre itself is a bit of a clutter-breaker and the animation is good, which adds to the overall effect. Something every young person, including the young at heart should find very appealing.

Ramesh Narayan is a communications consultant. Mail your comments to >