datamine. The marketer’s rural superhero

Updated - October 30, 2014 at 07:06 PM.

What are the factors that made him one?


Shed the old and preconceived notions of the rural consumer being rustic, unsophisticated and someone who believes only in cheap products! A survey The Rise of India’s Rural Super Consumer by Nielsen India says there is now a breed of shoppers that are economically and emotionally inclined towards higher-ticket, branded consumption, not unlike their urban counterparts. The study notes that this has been a consumer who has always existed – sometimes eluding marketing attention and at other times, revealing themselves to carry a blockbuster product or service to salvation. Better infrastructure in electricity and telecom, as well as literacy, have served to created this breed. This consumer is defined as someone who is confident in his knowledge of the market as well as his needs. Almost 35 per cent of them are tech-savvy and use the Internet. Falling prices of LED and LCD TVs has increased their presence, and marketers find the medium indispensable for connecting to rural markets. These consumers are optimistic about their employment and financial prospects. To them, a brand represents good utility value. Cheapest is not the most obvious choice.

Nielsen conducted the survey from which this report is derived in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Punjab, which contribute substantially to the country’s agriculture GDP. The study, carried out between April and June 2014, covered only opinion leaders or influential villagers belonging to SEC A and B (rural India) and residing in the most agriculturally progressive districts, zones and villages.

Published on October 30, 2014 13:36