The armed forces are very much in the news these days. And the country is cheering the bold men and women who risk their lives so that we may live comfortably. A very appropriate time for an advertisement seeking to recruit people to the Indian Air Force (IAF).

Grey and the IAF have this commercial that positions the air force as “a cut above”. Excellent photography makes the film riveting.

The shots of the sleek Sukhoi jets blazing trails far above the earth, and the lumbering transport aircraft landing in the highest airport in the world and the magnificent Himalayas forming a great backdrop for the awe-inspiring fly-bys are the stuff that make you proud to be an Indian. The script is competent and the overall effect is very good. Just what you’d expect from the Indian Air Force. And Grey.

Acts of kindness

It’s the festive season. A season to gift and share and care for others. A season for acts of kindness. And that’s what show in two little films. The thought is the same. A little act of thoughtfulness goes a long way.

The films have different situations. One where a senior Army officer sets up a wardrobe for his junior and the other where a senior partner in a law firm makes a young lawyer feel good by giving her a larger and better table. It’s not the situation, it’s the thought.

And Pepperfry ends each film with their customary “Happy furniture to you”. Good casting, a nice signature tune, and quiet, underplayed acts and emotions make these films stand out. The act of kindness doesn’t require loud crackers and a tin band playing in the background.

Online reassurance

HDFC Life and Leo Burnett have a new film that handles a difficult subject rather well. The effort is to make you buy insurance online.

It’s difficult enough buying it offline. But the film deals with a new parent learning how to carry his baby and simultaneously shows him trying to buy life insurance online.

Some nice special effects and the facility to call someone if help is needed makes the job simple.

The last scene of the new parent confidently picking up the tiny tot reinforces the point that most things can be achieved with a little bit of help.

Ramesh Narayan is a communications consultant. Mail your comments to