Brand ambassador, beware! This week reinforced the fact that celebrities, especially those who endorse brands, cannot make any personal feelings public. Earlier this week, film star Aamir Khan spoke out against ‘growing intolerance’ in India. The backlash on social media hit e-tailer Snapdeal, a brand which Khan endorsed. As the #AppWapsi movement gained traction on social media, encouraging people to delete the Snapdeal app from their phones, the ratings of the e-tailer’s mobile app tanked.

As a result, Snapdeal was forced to come out with a statement. “Snapdeal is neither connected nor plays a role in comments made by Aamir Khan in his personal capacity. Snapdeal is a proud Indian company built by passionate young Indians focused on building an inclusive digital India,” said a company note. Another company, Godrej, which was also the target on social media, was quick to put out a defence saying its contract with the actor had come to an end in 2014. Did this incident only underline the intolerance that Khan spoke about?