At this stage, planning my career is the most important thing as it would be an integral part of my future. To achieve that, I am following my passion. Above all this, making my parents proud is the ultimate goal, but my passion to live my dream career always takes the lead before that objective. That’s also because it’s sometimes difficult to make your parents understand the new ground rules and the priority of the evolving generation.

That said, academic achievements make me happy because they are like a green card for one’s entry into the corporate world. Also, people count on you once they know that you are good at studies and a leader in some discipline. A good lifestyle would obviously make someone of my age the happiest. That way I can be connected with the latest fad.

My circle of friends and cousins are the reason for happiness on most occasions, as these are people who won’t judge me in an unfair manner and are always behind me as a solid source of support.

Whenever I am stressed out, listening to music is the foremost option for me to beat stress or sorrow. Music transports me to another land and makes me forget sorrow or stress. At times, crying alone also sets me free from sadness to press the restart button again. Talking to someone and giving vent to my sadness and anger is also a stress-buster as at the end it gives me closure or a tip to work on.

I usually follow a show when it falls in my sphere of interest or is informative. I also follow shows recommended to me for their humour. Other than that, I opt for shows that are getting popular, that people constantly talk about. I watch the shows to stay updated.

What teenagers want

Instagram and Snapchat are two social media platforms where I am regularly active because the content is very much what teenagers love to see. The apps are teenage-friendly and hence have not yet become popular with people of the older generation. On Facebook there are more relatives and elders in your circle than friends.

Selfies are now being banned in many areas because of their resulting in dangerous accidents. I wouldn’t deny that I take selfies because ‘everyone does.’ I put selfies up on social media platforms because it is a way of talking with your peers through selfies. Also, nobody is truly themselves on social media profiles. Everyone tries to score by showing off their lifestyle by editing their images and making them more fashionable and following the fashion trends.

And the lines in the status messages and posts are all to create an impact with followers and friends, to stand out from the crowd and be considered cool. YouTube and Instagram are the platforms where I discover new trends, songs, trailers, videos that are going viral and so on. These platforms take me to the trending stuff and guide me to the origin of the content and to all the related lists.